;Autohotkey+Web Short Message(com.wangtai.smstwoman)短信接口 ;Thinkai@2015-01-05 ;注意每次运行APP的管理网址都不一样 ManageUrl = ;获取参数 RegExMatch(ManageUrl,"^(http://.*:\d*/)(\d{4})",parameter) global parameter1 global parameter2 ;运用实例 ;发短信 if (SendMsg(10001,7)=1) MsgBox, 64, 提示, 短信发送成功 ;接收回复 NewMessage := GetNewMsg() From := NewMessage[1]["person"] ? NewMessage[1]["person"] "(" NewMessage[1]["address"] ")" : "未知(" NewMessage[1]["address"] ")" MsgBox % "From:" From "`n" NewMessage[1]["body"] ;获取联系人 Contact := GetContacts() for k,v in Contact { MsgBox, 64, 提示, 第一个联系人是%v%`,号码是%k% Return } ;获取新消息函数(调用后收到的) GetNewMsg(){ ;返回数组说明 ;数组[1]: ; _id:消息ID ; address:号码 ; body:短信正文 ; date:收信Uinx时间戳 ; person:联系人 Loop { res := URLDownloadToVar(parameter1 "get_new_msg/" parameter2 "/", "utf-8","POST") ;获取最新短信的JSON数据 if (strlen(res)>2) Return json_toobj(res) Sleep, 100 } } ;获取联系人函数 GetContacts(){ obj := {} ;初始数组 res := URLDownloadToVar(parameter1 "get_contacts/" parameter2 "/", "utf-8","POST") ;获取联系人的JSON数据 ;处理格式问题 StringTrimLeft, res, res, 1 StringTrimRight, res, res, 1 StringSplit, var, res, `, loop % var0 { tmp_var := var%A_index% RegExMatch(tmp_var,"""(.*)"":""(.*)""",m) m1 := RegExReplace(m1,"\s","") m1 := RegExReplace(m1,"\+86","") obj["" m1] := m2 ;注意此处数组key的类型 } Return obj ;返回数组 obj[电话号码] := 联系人姓名 } ;发短信函数 SendMsg(to,msg){ ;号码,消息 msg := urlencode(msg) Return URLDownloadToVar(parameter1 "send/" parameter2 "/" to "/", "utf-8","POST","msg=" msg) } URLDownloadToVar(url, Encoding = "",Method="GET",postData=""){ ;网址,编码,请求方式,post数据 hObject:=ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") if Method = GET { hObject.Open("GET",url) Try hObject.Send() catch e return -1 } else if Method = POST { hObject.Open("POST",url,False) hObject.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") Try hObject.Send(postData) catch e return -1 } if Encoding { oADO := ComObjCreate("adodb.stream") oADO.Type := 1 oADO.Mode := 3 oADO.Open() oADO.Write(hObject.ResponseBody) oADO.Position := 0 oADO.Type := 2 oADO.Charset := Encoding return oADO.ReadText(), oADO.Close() } return hObject.ResponseText } urlencode(string){ string := Ansi2UTF8(string) StringLen, len, string Loop % len { SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ;运算结果为HEX StringMid, out, string, %A_Index%, 1 hex := Asc(out) ;获取单字节ascii值 hex2 := hex ;另存变量 StringReplace, hex, hex, 0x, , All SetFormat, IntegerFast, d hex2 := hex2 ;十进制化 ;判断是否可见单字节字符 是则直接连接 否则编码 If (hex2==33 || (hex2>=39 && hex2 <=42) || hex2==45 || hex2 ==46 || (hex2>=48 && hex2<=57) || (hex2>=65 && hex2<=90) || hex2==95 || (hex2>=97 && hex2<=122) || hex2==126) content .= out Else content .= "`%" hex } Return content } Ansi2Oem(sString) { Ansi2Unicode(sString, wString, 0) Unicode2Ansi(wString, zString, 1) Return zString } Oem2Ansi(zString) { Ansi2Unicode(zString, wString, 1) Unicode2Ansi(wString, sString, 0) Return sString } Ansi2UTF8(sString) { Ansi2Unicode(sString, wString, 0) Unicode2Ansi(wString, zString, 65001) Return zString } UTF82Ansi(zString) { Ansi2Unicode(zString, wString, 65001) Unicode2Ansi(wString, sString, 0) Return sString } Ansi2Unicode(ByRef sString, ByRef wString, CP = 0) { nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar" , "Uint", CP , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", &sString , "int", -1 , "Uint", 0 , "int", 0) VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize * 2) DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar" , "Uint", CP , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", &sString , "int", -1 , "Uint", &wString , "int", nSize) } Unicode2Ansi(ByRef wString, ByRef sString, CP = 0) { nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte" , "Uint", CP , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", &wString , "int", -1 , "Uint", 0 , "int", 0 , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", 0) VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize) DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte" , "Uint", CP , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", &wString , "int", -1 , "str", sString , "int", nSize , "Uint", 0 , "Uint", 0) } json_toobj(str){ quot := """" ; firmcoded specifically for readability. Hardcode for (minor) performance gain ws := "`t`n`r " Chr(160) ; whitespace plus NBSP. This gets trimmed from the markup obj := {} ; dummy object objs := [] ; stack keys := [] ; stack isarrays := [] ; stack literals := [] ; queue y := nest := 0 ; First pass swaps out literal strings so we can parse the markup easily StringGetPos, z, str, %quot% ; initial seek while !ErrorLevel { ; Look for the non-literal quote that ends this string. Encode literal backslashes as '\u005C' because the ; '\u..' entities are decoded last and that prevents literal backslashes from borking normal characters StringGetPos, x, str, %quot%,, % z + 1 while !ErrorLevel { StringMid, key, str, z + 2, x - z - 1 StringReplace, key, key, \\, \u005C, A If SubStr( key, 0 ) != "\" Break StringGetPos, x, str, %quot%,, % x + 1 } ; StringReplace, str, str, %quot%%t%%quot%, %quot% ; this might corrupt the string str := ( z ? SubStr( str, 1, z ) : "" ) quot SubStr( str, x + 2 ) ; this won't ; Decode entities StringReplace, key, key, \%quot%, %quot%, A StringReplace, key, key, \b, % Chr(08), A StringReplace, key, key, \t, % A_Tab, A StringReplace, key, key, \n, `n, A StringReplace, key, key, \f, % Chr(12), A StringReplace, key, key, \r, `r, A StringReplace, key, key, \/, /, A while y := InStr( key, "\u", 0, y + 1 ) if ( A_IsUnicode || Abs( "0x" SubStr( key, y + 2, 4 ) ) < 0x100 ) key := ( y = 1 ? "" : SubStr( key, 1, y - 1 ) ) Chr( "0x" SubStr( key, y + 2, 4 ) ) SubStr( key, y + 6 ) literals.insert(key) StringGetPos, z, str, %quot%,, % z + 1 ; seek } ; Second pass parses the markup and builds the object iteratively, swapping placeholders as they are encountered key := isarray := 1 ; The outer loop splits the blob into paths at markers where nest level decreases Loop Parse, str, % "]}" { StringReplace, str, A_LoopField, [, [], A ; mark any array open-brackets ; This inner loop splits the path into segments at markers that signal nest level increases Loop Parse, str, % "[{" { ; The first segment might contain members that belong to the previous object ; Otherwise, push the previous object and key to their stacks and start a new object if ( A_Index != 1 ) { objs.insert( obj ) isarrays.insert( isarray ) keys.insert( key ) obj := {} isarray := key := Asc( A_LoopField ) = 93 } ; arrrrays are made by pirates and they have index keys if ( isarray ) { Loop Parse, A_LoopField, `,, % ws "]" if ( A_LoopField != "" ) obj[key++] := A_LoopField = quot ? literals.remove(1) : A_LoopField } ; otherwise, parse the segment as key/value pairs else { Loop Parse, A_LoopField, `, Loop Parse, A_LoopField, :, % ws if ( A_Index = 1 ) key := A_LoopField = quot ? literals.remove(1) : A_LoopField else if ( A_Index = 2 && A_LoopField != "" ) obj[key] := A_LoopField = quot ? literals.remove(1) : A_LoopField } nest += A_Index > 1 } ; Loop Parse, str, % "[{" If !--nest Break ; Insert the newly closed object into the one on top of the stack, then pop the stack pbj := obj obj := objs.remove() obj[key := keys.remove()] := pbj If ( isarray := isarrays.remove() ) key++ } ; Loop Parse, str, % "]}" Return obj }
打开手机软件上的地址,比如http:// 看到内容即可开始使用。
http://[服务器地址]/send/?pass=[密码 可空 ]&number=[号码]&data=[UTF-8 URLEncode的正文]&submit=&id=
<?php $number = "10001"; //号码 $content = "测试thinkai.net"; //正文 $host = ""; //服务器地址 $pass = ""; //密码 $data = urlencode($content); //转码 $send = file_get_contents("http://$host/send/?pass=$pass&number=$number&data=$data&submit=&id="); //调用接口 $result = (explode("\n",$send)); //分割结果 echo str_replace("STATUS: ","",$result[0]); //显示状态 ?>
#NoTrayIcon ;转码函数 urlencode(string){ clip := ClipboardAll Clipboard = %string% Transform, string, Unicode Clipboard := clip StringLen, len, string SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex Loop { if A_Index > %len% Break StringMid, out, string, %A_Index%, 1 hex := Asc(out) hex := hex * 0x01 StringReplace, hex, hex, 0x, , All content = %content%`%%hex% } SetFormat, IntegerFast, d Return content } number = 10001 ; //号码 content = 测试thinkai.net ; //正文 host = ; //服务器地址 pass = ; //密码 data := urlencode(content) ; //转码 URLDownloadToFile, http://%host%/send/?pass=%pass%&number=%number%&data=%data%&submit=&id=, %A_Temp%\send.tmp FileRead, result, %A_Temp%\send.tmp StringSplit, result, result, `n ; //分割结果 StringReplace, status, result1, STATUS:%A_Space%, , MsgBox, 64, 结果, %status%
#NoTrayIcon ;不显示图标 FileInstall, org.myklos.sendmessage.apk, 网关服务器.apk ;打包文件 ;创建界面 Gui, Add, Text, x6 y7 w140 h50 , 短信网关地址`n例192.168.42.129:8080`n一行一个 Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y57 w140 h80 vgate, Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y137 w140 h20 vlog, 记录发送记录到文件 Gui, Add, CheckBox, x6 y157 w140 h20 vslow, 慢速发送 Gui, Add, Text, x146 y7 w100 h20 , 发送号码 Gui, Add, Edit, x146 y27 w100 h150 vhm Gui, Add, Text, x246 y7 w370 h20 , 短信内容 Gui, Add, Edit, x246 y27 w370 h150 vnr Gui, Add, Text, x6 y177 w240 h60 vshow Gui, Add, Button, x246 y177 w370 h60 gsend, 开始发送 Gui, Show,h246 w626, 群发短信单体版 ;检查是否使用过 加载上次填写的服务器地址 IfExist, gate.ini { FileRead, gate, gate.ini GuiControl, , gate, %gate% } ;转码函数 urlencode(string){ clip := ClipboardAll ;剪切板转存 Clipboard = %string% Transform, string, Unicode ;获取UTF-8 Clipboard := clip StringLen, len, string SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ;运算结果为HEX Loop { if A_Index > %len% Break StringMid, out, string, %A_Index%, 1 hex := Asc(out) ;获取单字节ascii值 hex := hex * 0x01 StringReplace, hex, hex, 0x, , All content = %content%`%%hex% } SetFormat, IntegerFast, d ;运算结果为是静止 Return content } Return Send: ;从界面取回内容 GuiControlGet, hm GuiControlGet, nr GuiControlGet, gate GuiControlGet, log GuiControlGet, slow ;处理填写内容 IfNotInString, hm, `n { number0 = 1 number1 = %hm% } Else { StringReplace, hm, hm, `r, , All hm = %hm%`n StringReplace, hm, hm, `n`n, , All StringSplit, number, hm, `n } IfNotInString, gate, `n { gate0 = 1 gate1 = %gate% } Else { StringReplace, gate, gate, `r, , All gate = %gate%`n StringReplace, gate, gate, `n`n, , All StringSplit, gate, gate, `n } ;初始化 id = 0 success = 0 time = %A_Now% data := urlencode(nr) ;urlencode Loop { if A_Index > %number0% Break tmpnumber = % number%A_Index% if tmpnumber <> { StringReplace, tmpnumber, tmpnumber, -, , All b := tmpnumber/1 IfInString, b, .000000 { id += 1 if id > %gate0% id = 1 host = % gate%id% pass = ; //密码 GuiControl, , show, 网关:%host%`n号码:%tmpnumber%`n序号:%A_Index%`n ;显示 URLDownloadToFile, http://%host%/send/?pass=%pass%&number=%tmpnumber%&data=%data%&submit=&id=, %A_Temp%\send.tmp ;执行并抓回结果 FileRead, result, %A_Temp%\send.tmp StringSplit, result, result, `n ; //分割结果 StringReplace, status, result1, STATUS:%A_Space%, , GuiControl, , show, 网关:%host%`n号码:%tmpnumber%`n序号:%A_Index%`n状态:%status% if status = STATUS_OK success += 1 if log = 1 FileAppend, 网关:%host%`,号码:%tmpnumber%`,序号:%A_Index%`,状态:%status%`,时间:%A_Now%`n, %time%.log if slow = 1 sleep, 1000 ;Else ;sleep, 100 } } } GuiControl, , show, 共计发送%number0%条短信,其中成功%success%个! FileDelete, gate.ini FileAppend, %gate%, gate.ini Return GuiClose: ExitApp
安卓HTTP短信群发.zip 含汉化版org.myklos.sendmessage.apk
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