#Include Class_MySQLAPI.ahk #NoEnv My_DB := New MySQLAPI My_DB.Real_Connect("", "root", "pass","db1") ;主机,用户名,密码,数据库 SQL := "SELECT now() as nowtime,1 as Status" ;语句 Result := My_DB.Query(SQL) ;查询 MsgBox % var_dump(My_DB.GetResult()) ;获取数组结果 var_dump(obj,level:=0){ static id,str id++ if id=1 str := "" if IsObject(obj) { space = loop % level space .= A_Tab str .= space "{`n" for k,v in obj { if IsObject(v) { str .= space A_Tab (RegExMatch(k,"^\d+$") ? k : """" k """") ":`n" var_dump(v,level+1) str := RegExReplace(str,"(*ANYCRLF)\n$",",`n") } else str .= space A_Tab (RegExMatch(k,"^\d+$") ? k : """" k """") ":""" RegExReplace(v,"""","""""") """,`n" } str := RegExReplace(str,"(*ANYCRLF),\n*$","`n") str .= space "}`n" } else str := obj if !level id := 0 return str }
; ====================================================================================================================== ; Wrapper class for MySQL C API functions -> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/c-api-functions.html ; Based on "MySQL Library functions" by panofish -> http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/72629-mysql-library-functions ; Namespace: MySQLAPI ; AHK version: 1.1.10+ ; Author: panofish/just me ; Version: me - libmysql.dll error handling ; me ; ; Example usage: ; #Include <Class_MySQLAPI> ; include Class_MySQLAPI.ahk from lib ; My_DB := New MySQLAPI ; instantiate an object using this class ; My_DB.Connect("Server", "User", "Password") ; connect to the server ; My_DB.Select_DB("Database") ; select a database ; or ; My_DB.Real_Connect("Server", "User", "Password", "Database") ; connect to the server and select a database ; SQL := "SELECT ..." ; create a SQL statement ; Result := My_DB.Query(SQL) ; execute the SQL statement ; ... ; do something ; ... ; do another thing ; My_DB := "" ; close the connection and free all resources ; ; Remarks: ; The character encoding depends on the character set used by the current connection. That's why the code page for ; all connections is set to UTF-8 within the __New() meta-function. String conversions are done internally ; whenever possible. ; ====================================================================================================================== Class MySQLAPI { ; =================================================================================================================== ; CLASS VARIABLES ; =================================================================================================================== ; MYSQL_FIELD type Static FIELD_TYPE := {0: "DECIMAL", 1: "TINY", 2: "SHORT", 3: "LONG", 4: "FLOAT", 5: "DOUBLE", 6: "NULL" , 7: "TIMESTAMP", 8: "LONGLONG", 9: "INT24", 10: "DATE", 11: "TIME", 12: "DATETIME" , 13: "YEAR", 14: "NEWDATE", 15: "VARCHAR", 16: "BIT", 256: "NEWDECIMAL", 247: "ENUM" , 248: "SET", 249: "TINY_BLOB", 250: "MEDIUM_BLOB", 251: "LONG_BLOB", 252: "BLOB" , 253: "VAR_STRING", 254: "STRING", 255: "GEOMETRY"} ; MYSQL_FIELD bit-flags Static FIELD_FLAG := {NOT_NULL: 1, PRI_KEY: 2, UNIQUE_KEY: 4, MULTIPLE_KEY: 8, BLOB: 16, UNSIGNED: 32 , ZEROFILL: 64, BINARY: 128, ENUM: 256, AUTO_INCREMENT: 512, TIMESTAMP: 1024, SET: 2048 , NO_DEFAULT_VALUE: 4096, NUM: 32768} ; MySQL_SUCCESS Static MySQL_SUCCESS := 0 ; =================================================================================================================== ; META FUNCTION __New ; Load and initialize libmysql.dll which is supposed to be in the sript's folder. ; Parameters: LibPath - Optional: Absolute path of libmysql.dll ; =================================================================================================================== __New(LibPath := "") { Static LibMySQL := A_ScriptDir . "\libmysql.dll" ; Do not instantiate unstances! If (This.Base.Base.__Class = "MySQLAPI") { MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, You must not instantiate instances of MySQLDB! Return False } ; Load libmysql.dll If (LibPath) LibMySQL := LibPath If !(MySQLM := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", LibMySQL, "UPtr")) { If (A_LastError = 126) ; The specified module could not be found MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, Could not find %LibMySQL%! Else { ErrCode := A_LastError VarSetCapacity(ErrMsg, 131072, 0) ; Unicode DllCall("FormatMessage", "UInt", 0x1200, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", ErrCode, "UInt", 0, "Str", ErrMsg, "UInt", 65536, "Ptr", 0) MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, % "Could not load " . LibMySQL . "!`n" . "Error code: " . ErrCode . "`n" . ErrMsg } Return False } This.Module := MySQLM ; Init MySQL If !(MYSQL := This.Init()) { MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, Could not initialize MySQL! Return False } This.MYSQL := MYSQL If (This.Options("MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME", "utf8") <> This.MySQL_SUCCESS) { MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, Set option MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME failed! Return False } If (This.Options("MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT", True) <> This.MySQL_SUCCESS) { MsgBox, 16, MySQL Error!, Set option MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT failed! Return False } This.Connected := False } ; =================================================================================================================== ; META FUNCTION __Delete ; Free ressources and close the connection, if needed. ; =================================================================================================================== __Delete() { If (This.MYSQL) This.Close() If (This.Module) DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", This.Module) } ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Additional custom functions to get the data of a MYSQL_RES structure ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Converts a MYSQL_FIELD structure and returns an object containing the appropriate keys and values. ; Parameters: MYSQL_FIELD - Pointer to a MYSQL_FIELD structure. ; Return values: Field object. ; =================================================================================================================== GetField(ByRef MYSQL_FIELD) { Field := {} Offset := 0 Field.Name := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.OrgName := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.Table := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.OrgTable := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.DB := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.Catalog := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.Default := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize Field.Length := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 Field.MaxLength := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 * 8 ; skip string length fields Field.Flags := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 Field.Decimals := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 Field.CharSetNr := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 Field.Type := This.FIELD_TYPE[NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt")] Return Field } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the values of the next row of the given MYSQL_RES as an array. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure. ; Return values: Array of values, False if there is no more row ; =================================================================================================================== GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES) { If (MYSQL_ROW := This.Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES)) { Row := [] Lengths := This.Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES) Loop, % This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) { J := A_Index - 1 If (Len := NumGet(Lengths + 0, 4 * J, "UInt")) Row[A_Index] := (StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_ROW + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8")) Else Row[A_Index] := "" } Return Row } Return False } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Gets the result for the most recent query that successfully produced a result set and returns an object containing ; the appropriate keys and values. ; Return values: Result object, or False if there is no result. ; =================================================================================================================== GetResult() { If !(MYSQL_RES := This.Store_Result(This.MYSQL)) Return False Result := {} Result.Rows := This.Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES) Result.Columns := This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) Result.Fields := [] While(MYSQL_FIELD := This.Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES)) Result.Fields[A_Index] := This.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD) While (Row := This.GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES)) Result[A_index] := Row This.Free_Result(MYSQL_RES) Return Result } GetResultLite() { If !(MYSQL_RES := This.Store_Result(This.MYSQL)) Return False Result := {} ; Result.Rows := This.Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES) ; Result.Columns := This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) ; Result.Fields := [] ; While(MYSQL_FIELD := This.Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES)) ; Result.Fields[A_Index] := This.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD) While (Row := This.GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES)) Result[A_index] := Row This.Free_Result(MYSQL_RES) Return Result } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Converts the passed string to UTF-8. ; Parameters: Str - String to convert. ; Return values: Address of Str. ; =================================================================================================================== UTF8(ByRef Str) { Var := Str, VarSetCapacity(Str, StrPut(Var, "UTF-8"), 0), StrPut(Var, &Str, "UTF-8") Return &Str } ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; API functions ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; May be called immediately after executing a statement with mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(). It returns the ; number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last statement if it was an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT. ; Return values: An integer greater than zero indicates the number of rows affected or retrieved. ; =================================================================================================================== Affected_Rows() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_affected_rows", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt64") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Sets autocommit mode on if Mode is 1, off if Mode is 0. ; Parameters: Mode - 0/1 (False/True) ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== AutoCommit(Mode) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_autocommit", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Char", Mode, "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Changes the user and causes the database specified by DB to become the default (current) database on the connection ; specified by mysql. ; Parameters: User - User name ; PassWd - Password ; DB - Database name ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Change_User(User, PassWd, DB) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_change_user", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(User) , "Ptr", This.UTF8(PassWd), "Ptr", This.UTF8(DB), "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a string containing the default character set name for the current connection. ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Character_Set_Name() { Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_character_set_name", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Closes a previously opened connection. ; Return values: None ; =================================================================================================================== Close() { DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_close", "Ptr", This.MYSQL) } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Commits the current transaction. ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Commit() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_commit", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; This function is deprecated. Use mysql_real_connect() instead. ; =================================================================================================================== Connect(Host, User, PassWd) { Return This.Real_Connect(Host, User, PassWD) } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Creates the database named by the DB parameter. ; This function is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue an SQL CREATE DATABASE statement ; instead. ; Parameters: DB - Database name ; Return values: Zero if the database was created successfully. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Create_DB(DB) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_create_db", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(DB), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Seeks to an arbitrary row in a query result set. The Offset value is a row number. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Offset - Specify a value in the range from 0 to mysql_num_rows(result)-1. ; Return values: None ; =================================================================================================================== Data_Seek(MYSQL_RES, Offset) { DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_data_seek", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt64", Offset) } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_debug() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Drops the database named by the DB parameter. ; This function is deprecated. It is preferable to use mysql_query() to issue an SQL DROP DATABASE statement instead. ; Parameters: DB - Database name ; Return values: Zero if the database was dropped successfully. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Drop_DB(DB) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_drop_db", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(DB), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_dump_debug_info() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Determines whether the last row of a result set has been read. ; This function is deprecated. mysql_errno() or mysql_error() may be used instead. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: Zero if no error occurred. Nonzero if the end of the result set has been reached. ; =================================================================================================================== EOF(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_eof", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the error code for the most recently invoked API function that can succeed or fail. ; Return values: An error code value for the last mysql_xxx() call, if it failed. zero means no error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== ErrNo() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_errno", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a null-terminated string containing the error message for the most recently invoked API ; function that failed. An empty string indicates no error. ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Error() { Return ((S := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_error", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(S, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_escape_string() -> mysql_real_escape_string() ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the definition of the next column of a result set as a MYSQL_FIELD structure. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: A pointer to the MYSQL_FIELD structure for the current column. NULL if no columns are left. ; =================================================================================================================== Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_field", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Given a field number FieldNr for a column within a result set, returns that column's field definition as ; a MYSQL_FIELD structure. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; FieldNr - Field number in the range from 0 to mysql_num_fields(result)-1. ; Return values: A Pointer to the MYSQL_FIELD structure for the specified column. ; =================================================================================================================== Fetch_Field_Direct(MYSQL_RES, FieldNr) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_field_direct", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt", FieldNr, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns an array of all MYSQL_FIELD structures for a result set. Each structure provides the field definition for ; one column of the result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: A Pointer to the MYSQL_FIELD structure for the specified column. ; =================================================================================================================== Fetch_Fields(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_fields", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row within a result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: A Pointer to an array of unsigned long integers representing the size of each column ; (not including any terminating null characters). NULL if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_lengths", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Retrieves the next row of a result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: A poiner to a MYSQL_ROW structure, NULL when there are no more rows to retrieve or if an error ; occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_row", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the number of columns for the most recent query on the connection. ; Return values: An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set. ; =================================================================================================================== Field_Count() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_field_count", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Sets the field cursor to the given offset. The next call to mysql_fetch_field() retrieves the field definition ; of the column associated with that offset. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Offset - Specify a value in the range from 0 to mysql_num_fields(result)-1. ; To seek to the beginning of a row, pass an offset value of zero. ; Return values: The previous value of the field cursor. ; =================================================================================================================== Field_Seek(MYSQL_RES, Offset) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_field_seek", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt", Offset, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the position of the field cursor used for the last mysql_fetch_field(). This value can be used as ; an argument to mysql_field_seek(). ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: The current offset of the field cursor. ; =================================================================================================================== Field_Tell(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_field_tell", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Frees the memory allocated for a result set by mysql_store_result(), mysql_use_result(), and so forth. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: None. ; =================================================================================================================== Free_Result(MYSQL_RES) { DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_free_result", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES) } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_get_character_set_info() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a string that represents the client library version. ; Parameters: None ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Client_Info() { Return ((S := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_client_info", "UPtr")) ? StrGet(S, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns an integer that represents the client library version. The value has the format XYYZZ where X is the major ; version, YY is the release level, and ZZ is the version number within the release level. For example, a value of ; 40102 represents a client library version of 4.1.2. ; Parameters: None ; Return values: An integer that represents the MySQL client library version. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Client_Version() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_client_version", "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a string describing the type of connection in use, including the server host name. ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Host_Info() { Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_host_info", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the protocol version used by current connection. ; Return values: An unsigned integer representing the protocol version used by the current connection. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Proto_Info() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_proto_info", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a string that represents the server version number. ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Server_Info() { Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_server_info", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the version number of the server as an unsigned integer. ; Return values: A number that represents the MySQL server version, for example, 5.1.5 is returned as 50105. ; =================================================================================================================== Get_Server_Version() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_server_version", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_get_ssl_cipher() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_hex_string() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Retrieves a string providing information about the most recently executed statement. ; Return values: String. ; =================================================================================================================== Info() { Return ((S := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_info", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(S, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Allocates or initializes a MYSQL object suitable for mysql_real_connect(). ; Parameters: MYSQL - Pointer to a MYSQL structure, pass NULL to allocate a new object ; Return values: An initialized MYSQL* handle. NULL if there was insufficient memory to allocate a new object. ; =================================================================================================================== Init(MYSQL := 0) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_init", "Ptr", MYSQL, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT or UPDATE statement. ; Return values: Generated ID, if any. ; =================================================================================================================== Insert_ID() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_insert_id", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt64") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_kill() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_library_end() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_library_init() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_list_dbs() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a result set consisting of field names in the given table that match the expression specified by ; the Like parameter. ; Parameters: Table - Table name ; Optional: Like - Expression field names have to match ; (may contain the wildcard characters '%' or '_') ; Return values: A pointer to a MYSQL_RES result set for success. NULL if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== List_Fields(Table, Like := "") { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_list_fields", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Table) , "Ptr", (Like = "" ? 0 : This.UTF8(Like)), "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_list_processes() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a result set consisting of table names in the current database that match the expression specified ; by the Like parameter. ; Parameters: Optional: Like - Expression table names have to match ; (may contain the wildcard characters '%' or '_') ; Return values: A pointer to a MYSQL_RES result set for success. NULL if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== List_Tables(Like := "") { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_list_tables", "Ptr", This.MYSQL , "Ptr", (Like = "" ? 0 : This.UTF8(Like)), "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; This function is used when you execute multiple statements specified as a single statement string, or when you ; execute CALL statements, which can return multiple result sets. ; Return values: TRUE (1) if more results exist. FALSE (0) if no more results exist. ; =================================================================================================================== More_Results() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_more_results", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; This function is used when you execute multiple statements specified as a single statement string, or when you use ; CALL statements to execute stored procedures, which can return multiple result sets. ; Return values: 0 : Successful and there are more results. ; -1 : Successful and there are no more results. ; >0 : An error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Next_Result() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_next_result", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the number of columns in a result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure. ; Return values: An unsigned integer representing the number of columns in a result set. ; =================================================================================================================== Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_num_fields", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the number of rows in a result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure. ; Return values: An unsigned 64-bit integer representing the number of rows in a result set. ; =================================================================================================================== Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_num_rows", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt64") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection. ; This function may be called multiple times to set several options. ; Parameters: Option - The option that you want to set. ; Arg - The value for the option. ; Return values: Zero for success. Nonzero if you specify an unknown option. ; =================================================================================================================== Options(Option, Arg) { Static MySQL_Option := {MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: 0, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS: 1, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE: 2 , MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND: 3, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE: 4, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP: 5 , MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR: 6, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME: 7, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE: 8 , MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL: 9, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME: 10, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT: 11 , MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT: 12, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT: 13 , MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION: 14, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION: 15 , MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION: 16, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP: 17, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH: 18 , MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION: 19, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT: 20 , MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: 21, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR: 22, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH: 23 , MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN: 24} If Option Is Not Integer Option := MYSQL_Option[Option] If Arg Is Integer Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_options", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Int", Option, "Int64P", Arg, "Int") Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_options", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Int", Option, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Arg), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Checks whether the connection to the server is working. ; Return values: Zero if the connection to the server is active. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Ping() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_ping", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Executes the SQL statement pointed to by the null-terminated string SQL. ; Parameters: SQL - SQL statement. ; Return values: Zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Query(SQL) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_query", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(SQL), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL database engine running on Host. ; Parameters: Host - A host name or an IP address. ; User - The user's MySQL login ID. ; PassWd - The password for user. ; Optional: ; DB - The database name. ; Port - The port number for the TCP/IP connection (Default: 3306) ; Socket - A string specifying the socket or named pipe to use. ; Flags - Flags to enable certain features. ; Return values: A MYSQL* connection handle if the connection was successful, NULL if the connection was ; unsuccessful. For a successful connection, the return value is the same as the handle passed to ; mysql_real_connect() in the first parameter. ; =================================================================================================================== /* Query2Obj(SQL){ This.Query(SQL) out := {} resultPtr := This.Store_Result() if resultPtr > 0 { out.fieldCount := fieldCount := This.Field_Count() out.rowCount := rowCount := This.Num_Rows() out.data := [] Loop { rowid := A_Index row := This.Fetch_Row(resultPtr) If (row = 0 || row == "") Break out.data[rowid] := [] lengths := This.Fetch_Lengths(resultPtr) Loop % fieldCount { J := A_Index - 1 If (Len := NumGet(Lengths + 0, 4 * J, "UInt")) field := (StrGet(NumGet(row + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8")) else field= out.data[rowid].push(field) } } } return out } */ Real_Connect(Host, User, PassWd, DB := "", Port := 3306, Socket := 0, Flags := 0) { If (DB = "") PtrDB := 0 Else PtrDB := This.UTF8(DB) If !(MYSQL := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_real_connect", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Host) , "Ptr", This.UTF8(User), "Ptr", This.UTF8(PassWd), "Ptr", PtrDB , "UInt", Port, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Socket), "Uint", Flags, "UPtr")) Return False Return MYSQL } ; =================================================================================================================== ; This function is used to create a legal SQL string that you can use in an SQL statement. ; The string in From is encoded to an escaped SQL string, taking into account the current character set of the ; connection. ; Parameters: From - Source string. ; Return values: Escaped string. ; =================================================================================================================== Real_Escape_String(ByRef From) { L := StrPut(From, "UTF-8") - 1 VarSetCapacity(SI, L, 0) StrPut(From, &SI, "UTF-8") VarSetCapacity(SO, (L * 2) + 1, 0) N := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_real_escape_string", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", &SO, "Ptr", &SI, "UInt", L, "UInt") Return StrGet(&SO, N, "UTF-8") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Executes the SQL statement pointed to by SQL, a string Length bytes long. ; mysql_query() cannot be used for statements that contain binary data; you must use mysql_real_query() instead. ; All strings within the SQL statement have to be UTF-8. ; Parameters: SQL - SQL statement. ; Length - Length of the statement in bytes. ; Return values: Zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Real_Query(ByRef SQL, Length) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_real_query", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", &SQL, "UInt", Length, "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_refresh() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_reload() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Rolls back the current transaction. ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Rollback() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_rollback", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Char") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Sets the row cursor to an arbitrary row in a query result set. ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Offset - The offset value is a row offset, typically a value returned from mysql_row_tell() ; or from mysql_row_seek(). This value is not a row number. ; Return values: The previous value of the row cursor. ; =================================================================================================================== Row_Seek(MYSQL_RES, Offset) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_row_seek", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "Ptr", Offset, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the current position of the row cursor for the last mysql_fetch_row(). This value can be used as an ; argument to mysql_row_seek(). ; Parameters: MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure ; Return values: The current offset of the row cursor. ; =================================================================================================================== Row_Tell(MYSQL_RES) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_row_tell", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Causes the database specified by DB to become the default (current) database on the connection specified by mysql. ; In subsequent queries, this database is the default for table references that do not include an explicit database ; specifier. ; Parameters: DB - Database name. ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Select_DB(DB) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_select_db", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(DB), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; This function is used to set the default character set for the current connection. ; Parameters: CSName - Character set name. ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Set_Character_Set(CSName) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_set_character_set", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Ptr", This.UTF8(CSName), "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_set_local_infile_default() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; mysql_set_local_infile_handler() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Enables or disables an option for the connection. ; Parameters: Option - MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON = 0 ; MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF = 1 ; Return values: Zero if successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Set_Server_Option(Option) { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_set_server_option", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "Int", Option, "Int") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_shutdown() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a null-terminated string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently executed SQL statement. ; The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means 鈥渘o error.鈥? ; Return values: A null-terminated character string containing the SQLSTATE error code. ; =================================================================================================================== SQLState() { Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_sqlstate", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; mysql_ssl_set() - not implemented <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns a character string containing information similar to that provided by the mysqladmin status command. ; Return values: A character string describing the server status. NULL if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Stat() { Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_stat", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for ; every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so ; forth). ; Return values: A pointer to a MYSQL_RES result structure with the results. NULL (0) if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Store_Result() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_store_result", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the thread ID of the current connection. ; Return values: The thread ID of the current connection. ; =================================================================================================================== Thread_ID() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_thread_id", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for ; every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so ; forth). ; Return values: A pointer to a MYSQL_RES result structure with the results. NULL (0) if an error occurred. ; =================================================================================================================== Use_Result() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_use_result", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UPtr") } ; =================================================================================================================== ; Returns the number of errors, warnings, and notes generated during execution of the previous SQL statement. ; Return values: The warning count. ; =================================================================================================================== Warning_Count() { Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_warning_count", "Ptr", This.MYSQL, "UInt") } }
60 queries in 2.829 seconds |