;Thinkai@2015-10-27 ;本脚本需要安装office 2007 如果需要在仅有2003条件下运行,请替换323行注释掉的连接字串并替换.xlsx后缀 Gui, main:Add, button, x0 y0 w100 h20 gaddtab, 添加表格数据源 gui, main:add, Button, x100 y0 w100 h20 gsetto, 设置收件人信息 gui, main:add, Button, x200 y0 w100 h20 gsetfrom, 设置发件人信息 gui, main:add, Button, x300 y0 w100 h20 gsend, 开始发送 gui, main:add, Button, x400 y0 w100 h20 grl, 重新开始 ;gui, main:add, text, x0 y20 w100 h20, 发件人(可选) ;gui, main:add, Edit, x100 y20 w500 h20 vfrom gui, main:add, text, x0 y40 w100 h20, 标题前缀 gui, main:add, Edit, x100 y40 w500 h20 vtitle Gui, main:add,text, x0 y60 w600 h20, 正文 可用插入[delimiter]替换拆分字段信息 gui, main:add, Edit, x0 y80 w600 h100 vcontent gui, main:add, Progress, x0 y180 w600 h20 vprg, Gui, main:Add, ListView, x0 y200 w600 h300 vlv, 文件|Sheet|拆分依据字段|输出文件名前缀|目标Sheet Gui, main:Add, StatusBar, , 等待用户操作 Gui, main:show, , Excel数据拆分发邮件 Gui, main:Default ;调整、初始化信息 LV_ModifyCol(1,150) LV_ModifyCol(2,120) LV_ModifyCol(3,120) LV_ModifyCol(4,120) LV_ModifyCol(5,120) SB_SetParts(400,200) source := [] ;数据源数组 mailconfig:=[] ;发件人信息数组 IfExist config.ini ;读取发件人配置 { IniRead, setfrom_from, config.ini, from, from IniRead, setfrom_bcc, config.ini, from, bcc IniRead, setfrom_smtp, config.ini, from, smtp IniRead, setfrom_account, config.ini, from, account IniRead, setfrom_pass, config.ini, from, pass mailconfig.from:=setfrom_from,mailconfig.bcc:=setfrom_bcc,mailconfig.smtp:=setfrom_smtp,mailconfig.account:=setfrom_account,mailconfig.pass:=setfrom_pass } to_obj := [] IfExist, to.txt ;读取收件人名录 { FileRead, str, to.txt to_obj := getto(str) } return addtab: ;添加数据源 FileSelectFile, file, , , 选择一个表格, Excel文件(*.xls;*.xlsx) IfExist % file { SplitPath, file, , , , name ;获取文件名 source.insert({"name":name,"file":file,"sheets":{}}) SB_SetText("读取文件:" file) idx := source.maxindex() source[idx].db := new exceldb() ;创建excel adodb连接,获取数据表信息 source[idx].db.open(file) SB_SetText("读取文件:" file " 完毕!") sheet := source[idx].db.GetTableInfo() for k,v in sheet ;弹出若干个向导页设置数据源 { guide_fields := v SB_SetText("等待用户设置数据源") isguideok := false Gui, guide:Destroy Gui, guide:add, text, x0 y0 w100 h20, % "文件:" Gui, guide:add, text, x0 y20 w100 h20, % "Sheet:" Gui, guide:add, text, x100 y0 w300 h20, % guide_file:=file Gui, guide:add, text, x100 y20 w300 h20, % guide_sheet:=k f :="" ;,guide_sql:="CREATE TABLE [" k "] (" ;创建表语句 已废弃 for x,y in v { f .= f ? "|" y : y ;guide_sql .= y " TEXT," } ;StringTrimRight, guide_sql, guide_sql, 1 ;guide_sql .= ")" Gui, guide:add, text, x0 y40 w100 h20, 拆分依据字段: Gui, guide:add, DropDownList, x100 y40 w300 vguide_ddl, % f Gui, guide:add, text, x0 y60 w100 h20, 输出文件名前缀: Gui, guide:add, Edit, x100 y60 w300 h20 vguide_prefix, % name Gui, guide:add, text, x0 y80 w100 h20, 目标Sheet: Gui, guide:add, Edit, x100 y80 w300 h20 vguide_dstsheet, % k Gui, guide:add, Button, x0 y100 w200 h20 gconfirm, 确认 Gui, guide:add, Button, x200 y100 w200 h20 gjump, 跳过 Gui, guide:Show, , % "数据源导入向导——" name while(!isguideok) Sleep, 100 Gui, guide:Destroy SB_SetText("数据源设置完毕") } ;source[idx].db.close() ;不关闭连接。特别是对于一些大的07文件,在后续拆分情况下避免消耗无谓时间 } return rl: ;重载 Reload confirm: ;向导确认 Gui, guide:Submit, NoHide if !guide_ddl { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 拆分依据字段不能为空! return } Gui, main:Default LV_Add("",guide_file,guide_sheet,guide_ddl,guide_prefix,guide_dstsheet) source[idx]["sheets"].insert({"fields":guide_fields,"sheet":guide_sheet,"delimiter":guide_ddl,"prefix":guide_prefix,"dstsheet":guide_dstsheet}) ;,"createsql":guide_sql isguideok := true return jump: ;向导跳过 isguideok := true return setto: ;设置收件人 IfExist, to.txt FileRead, to, to.txt Gui, setto:Destroy Gui, setto:Add, text, x0 y0 w600 h40, 在下方修改联系人信息。可从excel中粘贴过来,左边是拆分依据字段,右边联系人邮箱,多个用`"`,`"分隔`n例如:某某部门 xxx<xxx@xxx.com>`,`"xxx`"<xxx@xxx.com> (制表符分隔) Gui, setto:Add, Edit, x0 y40 w600 h400 vsetto_to, % to Gui, setto:Add, Button, x0 y440 w600 h20 gsetto_ok, 确定 Gui, setto:Show, , 设置收件人信息 return setto_ok: ;设置收件人完毕 GuiControlGet, setto_to FileDelete, to.txt FileAppend, % setto_to, to.txt to_obj := getto(setto_to) Gui, setto:Destroy return setfrom: ;设置发件人 IfExist config.ini { IniRead, setfrom_from, config.ini, from, from IniRead, setfrom_bcc, config.ini, from, bcc IniRead, setfrom_smtp, config.ini, from, smtp IniRead, setfrom_account, config.ini, from, account IniRead, setfrom_pass, config.ini, from, pass } Gui, setfrom:Destroy Gui, setfrom:add, text, x0 y0 w100 h20, 默认发件人* Gui, setfrom:add, Edit, x100 y0 w300 h20 vsetfrom_from, % setfrom_from ? setfrom_from : "某某<xxx@xxx.com>" Gui, setfrom:add, text, x0 y20 w100 h20, 默认暗送人 Gui, setfrom:add, Edit, x100 y20 w300 h20 vsetfrom_bcc, % setfrom_bcc ? setfrom_bcc : "某某<xxx@xxx.com>" Gui, setfrom:add, text, x0 y40 w100 h20, 发件邮箱smtp* Gui, setfrom:add, Edit, x100 y40 w300 h20 vsetfrom_smtp, % setfrom_smtp ? setfrom_smtp : "smtp.xxx.com" Gui, setfrom:add, text, x0 y60 w100 h20, 发件邮箱账号* Gui, setfrom:add, Edit, x100 y60 w300 h20 vsetfrom_account, % setfrom_account ? setfrom_account : "xxx@xxx.com" Gui, setfrom:add, text, x0 y80 w100 h20, 发件邮箱密码* Gui, setfrom:add, Edit, x100 y80 w300 h20 vsetfrom_pass, % setfrom_pass Gui, setfrom:add, Button ,x0 y100 w400 h20 gsetfrom_ok, 确定 Gui, setfrom:Show, , 设置发件人信息 return setfrom_ok: ;设置发件人完毕 Gui, setfrom:Submit, NoHide Gui, setfrom:Destroy IniWrite, % setfrom_from, config.ini, from, from IniWrite, % setfrom_bcc, config.ini, from, bcc IniWrite, % setfrom_smtp, config.ini, from, smtp IniWrite, % setfrom_account, config.ini, from, account IniWrite, % setfrom_pass, config.ini, from, pass mailconfig.from:=setfrom_from,mailconfig.bcc:=setfrom_bcc,mailconfig.smtp:=setfrom_smtp,mailconfig.account:=setfrom_account,mailconfig.pass:=setfrom_pass return send: ;开始拆分发送 Gui, main:Submit, NoHide SB_SetText("检查发件人信息") if ((!mailconfig.from && !from) || !mailconfig.smtp || !mailconfig.account || !mailconfig.pass) { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 发件人信息未配置完整,请设置! return } GuiControl, main:, prg, 2 SB_SetText("检查收件人信息") if (to_obj.maxindex()=0) { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 收件人信息未配置,请设置! return } GuiControl, main:, prg, 3 SB_SetText("检查标题信息") if !title { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 标题未填写,请填写! return } GuiControl, main:, prg, 4 SB_SetText("创建临时目录") FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%tmp FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%tmp*.* GuiControl, main:, prg, 5 SB_SetText("创建模板文件") template := [] for a,b in source ;汇总要创建哪些模板文件 哪些sheet { sheets := b.sheets for c,d in sheets { if !IsObject(template[d.prefix]) template[d.prefix] := [] if !template[d.prefix][d.dstsheet] template[d.prefix][d.dstsheet] := {"file":b.file,"prefix":d.prefix,"fields":d.fields} } } GuiControl, main:, prg, 8 for e,f in template ;创建模板文件 { file := A_ScriptDir "tmp" e ".xlsx" g := new excel() ;新建Excel对象 g.open(file) for h,i in f { if A_Index > 3 ;如果超出默认的3个sheet g.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add g.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(A_index).Name := h ;重命名 g.setfields(A_index,i.fields) ;插入字段 g.save() ;保存 } g.close() } GuiControl, main:, prg, 15 attach := [] SB_SetText("输出Excel") for source_index,source_value in source ;遍历数据源 { SB_SetText(source_value.name) sheets := source_value.sheets ;遍历需要拆分的sheet if (source_value.sheets.maxindex() > 0) { for sheet_index,sheet_value in sheets { SB_SetText(source_value.name "`t "sheet_value.sheet) for delimiter in to_obj ;按拆分字段逐个拆分 { ;定义变量 if !IsObject(attach[delimiter]) attach[delimiter] := [] tmp_file := A_ScriptDir "tmp" guide_prefix "_" delimiter ".xlsx" template_file := A_ScriptDir "tmp" guide_prefix ".xlsx" FileCopy, % template_file, % tmp_file, 1 attach[delimiter].insert(tmp_file) SB_SetText(delimiter,2) tmp_result := source_value.db.GetTable("SELECT * FROM [" sheet_value.sheet "$] WHERE [" sheet_value.delimiter "]='" delimiter "';") ;读取拆分信息到数组 tmp_excel := new exceldb() tmp_excel.open(tmp_file) tmp_excel.conn.BeginTrans() for row,vaules in tmp_result { tmp_str := "" for k,v in vaules tmp_str .= tmp_str ? ",'" v "'" : "'" v "'" tmp_excel.conn.Execute("INSERT INTO [" sheet_value.dstsheet "$] VALUES (" tmp_str ")") ;插入语句 } tmp_excel.conn.CommitTrans() tmp_excel.close() } } } source_value.db.close() } GuiControl, main:, prg, 50 SB_SetText("发送邮件") for delimiter,attaches in attach { tmp_title := title "_" delimiter tmp_content := RegExReplace(content,"[delimiter]",delimiter) tmp_mail := to_obj[delimiter] SB_SetText("发送邮件:" tmp_title,2) SB_SetText(delimiter,2) Mail("",tmp_mail,tmp_title,tmp_content,attaches*) } GuiControl, main:, prg, 100 SB_SetText("发送完毕") return settoGuiClose: Gui, setto:Destroy return setfromGuiClose: Gui, setfrom:Destroy return guideGuiClose: return mainGuiClose: ExitApp getto(str){ o := [] Loop, Parse, str, `n, `r { IfInString, A_LoopField, `t { t := StrSplit(A_LoopField,"`t") o[t[1]] := t[2] } } return o } class exceldb { ;static conn __New() ;新建 { this.conn:= ComObjCreate("ADODB.connection") ;初始化COM } open(file) ;打开文件 { IfExist % file this.conn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;Data Source=" file) ;打开连接 ;this.conn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes';Data Source=" file) ;打开连接 2003方式 } close() ;关闭文件 { this.conn.Close() } GetTableInfo() ;获取所有Sheet及字段信息 { ;通过OpenSchema方法获取表信息 rs := this.conn.OpenSchema(20) ;SchemaEnum 参考 http://www.w3school.com.cn/ado/app_schemaenum.asp t := [] rs.MoveFirst() while !rs.EOF { t_name := RegExReplace(rs.("TABLE_NAME").value,"$$","") q := this.conn.Execute("select top 1 * from [" t_name "$]") if (q.Fields(0).Name="F1" && q.Fields.Count=1) ;排除空表格 { rs.MoveNext() continue } t[t_name] := [] for field in q.Fields ;获取按顺序排列的字段 t[t_name].insert(field.Name) q.close() rs.MoveNext() } return t } GetTable(sql) { t := [] query := this.conn.Execute(sql) if RegExMatch(sql,"i)^select*") { fetchedArray := query.GetRows() ;取出数据(二维数组) colSize := fetchedArray.MaxIndex(1) + 1 ;列最大值 tips:从0开始 所以要+1 rowSize := fetchedArray.MaxIndex(2) + 1 ;行最大值 tips:从0开始 所以要+1 loop, % rowSize { i := (y := A_index) - 1 t[y] := [] loop, % colSize { j := (x := A_index) - 1 t[y][x] := fetchedArray[j,i] ;取出二维数组内值 } } query.Close() return t } } } class excel { ;static conn __New() ;新建 { this.conn:= ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") this.conn.Visible := false ;false } open(file) ;打开文件 { IfExist % file this.conn.Workbooks.Open(file) else { this.conn.Workbooks.Add this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(file) } } close() ;关闭文件 { this.conn.Workbooks.close() } sheets() ;获取所有Sheet { s := [] loop % this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count s.insert(this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(A_index).Name) return s } fields(sheet) ;获取指定sheet的字段 sheet为id或者具体名称 { c := [] loop % this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Columns.Count { try { x := this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Cells(1,A_index).Value if !x break c.insert(x) } catch e break } return c /* col_id := ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"] loop % this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Columns.Count { col := col_id[floor(A_index/26)] col_id[mod(A_index,26)] try { x:=excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Range(col "1").Value if !x break colname.insert(x) } catch e break } */ } setfields(sheet,fields) ;设置字段 即第一列信息 { return this.insertrow(sheet,1,fields) } setformat(sheet,range,format) ;设置某一区域的单元格格式 { this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Range(range).NumberFormat := format } insertrow(sheet,rowid,values) ;插入一列 { for k,v in values this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheet).Cells(rowid,A_index).Value := v } save() { this.conn.ActiveWorkbook.Save() } } ;发邮件函数 参数 来自,发给,主题,html正文,附件若干 Mail(from,to,subject,content,attach*){ global mailconfig NameSpace := "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Email := ComObjCreate("CDO.Message") Email.From := mailconfig.from Email.To := to if mailconfig.bcc Email.Bcc := mailconfig.bcc Email.Subject := subject ;Email.Htmlbody := content Email.Textbody := content for k,v in attach { IfExist, % v Email.AddAttachment(v) } Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "sendusing") := 2 Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "smtpserver") := mailconfig.smtp ;SMTP服务器地址 Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "smtpserverport") := 25 Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "smtpauthenticate") := 1 Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "sendusername") := mailconfig.account ;邮箱账号 Email.Configuration.Fields.Item(NameSpace "sendpassword") := mailconfig.pass ;邮箱密码 Email.Configuration.Fields.update Email.Send }
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