<?php $c = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server=(local); Database = ", "username", "password", array(PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY => true)); if (isset($_GET['str'])){ $str_obj = explode(";",urldecode($_GET['str'])); $str = $str_obj[0]; $token = substr($str,(strlen($str)-12),12); if ($token=="))))"){ if (isset($_GET['o'])){ if ($_GET['o']==1){ echo qt((substr($str,0,(strlen($str)-12)))); }else if ($_GET['o']==2){ echo get_rowcount((substr($str,0,(strlen($str)-12)))); } }else{ echo query((substr($str,0,(strlen($str)-12)))); } }else{ echo "Error token!"; } } function get_rowcount($query){ global $c; $stmt = $c->prepare( $query, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(); global $rowcount; $rowcount=NULL; $rowcount = $stmt->rowCount(); return $rowcount; } function query($query){ global $c; $stmt = $c->prepare( $query, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(); global $rowcount; $rowcount=NULL; $rowcount = $stmt->rowCount(); if(stripos($query, 'update') !== false){ return "UP".$rowcount; }elseif(stripos($query, 'delete') !== false){ return "DE".$rowcount; }elseif(stripos($query, 'insert') !== false){ return "IN".$rowcount; }else{ $content=NULL; if( $stmt->rowCount() == 0){ return ""; }else{ while ( $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_NUM ) ){ for($i = 0; $i < $stmt->columnCount(); $i++) { $type=gettype($row[$i]); if ($type=="object"){ $var=$row[$i]; $time=str_replace("T"," ",$var->format(DateTime::ISO8601)); $time=substr($time,0,19); $time=$time.".000"; $content=$content.$time.","; }else{ $ctmp=str_replace(",",",",$row[$i]); $content=$content.$ctmp.","; } } $content=$content."\n"; } $content=str_replace(",\n","\n",$content); return $content; } } } function qt($query){ global $c; $stmt = $c->prepare( $query, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(); global $rowcount; $rowcount=NULL; $rowcount = $stmt->rowCount(); if(stripos($query, 'update') !== false){ return "UP".$rowcount; }elseif(stripos($query, 'delete') !== false){ return "DE".$rowcount; }elseif(stripos($query, 'insert') !== false){ return "IN".$rowcount; }else{ $content=NULL; if( $stmt->rowCount() == 0){ return "NO"; }else{ $a = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $Fields = array_keys($a); global $titles; $titles=NULL; for($i = 0; $i < $stmt->columnCount(); $i++) { $name=iconv('GB2312','UTF-8',$Fields[$i]); $titles=$titles."$name,"; } $titles=$titles."\r\n"; $titles=str_replace(",\r\n","",$titles); $content = $titles."\r\n"; $stmt->execute(); while ( $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_NUM ) ){ for($i = 0; $i < $stmt->columnCount(); $i++) { $type=gettype($row[$i]); if ($type=="object"){ $var=$row[$i]; $time=str_replace("T"," ",$var->format(DateTime::ISO8601)); $time=substr($time,0,19); $time=$time.".000"; $content=$content.$time.","; }else{ $ctmp=str_replace(",",",",$row[$i]); $content=$content.$ctmp.","; } } $content=$content."\r\n"; } $content=str_replace(",\r\n","\r\n",$content); return $content; } } } ?>
USE [Database1] GO DROP TABLE [dbo].[增值业务目标客户] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[增值业务目标客户]( [地区] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [手机号码] [nvarchar](11) NOT NULL, [外呼业务] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [语种] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [导入日期] [date] NULL, [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [SID] [int] NULL, [工号] [nvarchar](50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_增值业务] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO DROP TABLE [dbo].[增值业务目标任务] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[增值业务目标任务]( [地区] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [外呼业务] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [语种] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [导入日期] [date] NOT NULL, [locked] [int] NULL, [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] DROP CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_导入时间] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] DROP CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_提交日期] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] DROP CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_提交单位] GO DROP TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交]( [工号] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [姓名] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [外呼日期] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [业务类型] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [地州] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [语种] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [用户号码] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [接通情况] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [备注] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [质检结果] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [质检备注] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [质检人] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [质检时间] [datetime] NULL, [提交单位] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [提交日期] [date] NULL, [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LID] [int] NULL, [导入时间] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_提交单位] DEFAULT (N'呼叫中心') FOR [提交单位] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_提交日期] DEFAULT (CONVERT([date],getdate())) FOR [提交日期] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[增值业务数据提交] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_增值业务数据提交_导入时间] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [导入时间] GO
#SingleInstance force ;单线程 FileEncoding, UTF-8 ;php pdo是utf-8的 FileInstall, 1.bmp, 1.bmp ;打电话的图标 FileInstall, 2.bmp, 2.bmp ;数据库配置信息 host = api = http://%host%/sqlapi.php ;接口url oldtime = %A_TickCount% ;上次点击时间 ;检查连通性 if Not InStr(ping_info := ping(host),"正常") { MsgBox, 4112, 网络错误, % ping_info ExitApp } ;登陆界面 gui, login:add, text, x0 y0 w60 h20, 工号: gui, login:add, edit, x60 y0 w200 h20 vuser_id, gui, login:add, text, x0 y20 w60 h20, 姓名: gui, login:add, edit, x60 y20 w200 h20 vuser_name, gui, login:add, text, x0 y40 w60 h20, 语种: gui, login:add, DropDownList, x60 y40 w200 h60 vuser_lang, 汉语|英语 gui, login:add, button, x0 y60 w260 h20 glogin, 登陆 gui, login:show, , 坐席登陆 gui, login:+AlwaysOnTop Return login: Gui, login:Submit, NoHide if user_lang= { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 未选择语种! Return } user_id := StrLen(user_id)=3 ? user_id : SubStr(user_id,1,3) ;只保留前三位 user_id := user_id "#" ;添加# ;检查工号是否在数据库内 if (get_1_result("SELECT count(*) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[用户表] where 工号='" user_id "'")>0) { gui, login:Destroy goto, show } Else { MsgBox, 4112, 错误, 没有此工号! } Return show: ;创建界面 Gui,main:Add,Text,x0 y3 w60 h12,当前任务: Gui,main:Font,Normal s8 c0x0 Bold,Verdana Gui,main:Add,Text,x60 y3 w260 h15 vtask_name, Gui,main:Font Gui,main:Add,Button,x320 y0 w40 h20 gchoose, 选择 Gui,main:Add,Text,x360 y3 w60 h12,任务信息: Gui,main:Font,Normal s8 Bold,Verdana Gui,main:Add,Text,x420 y3 w230 h15 vtask_info, Gui,main:Font Gui,main:Add,Text,x0 y23 w60 h12,联系电话: Gui,main:Font,Normal s9 c0x0 Bold,Verdana Gui,main:Add,Edit,x60 y20 w120 h20 ReadOnly 1 Border vphone, Gui,main:Font Gui,main:Add,Button,x180 y20 w50 h20 gcall,外呼 Gui,main:Add,Text,x230 y23 w60 h12,接通情况: Gui,main:Add,DropDownList,x290 y20 w200 vcalling_result, 通后挂断|无人接听|成功|关机|无法接通|少数民族|停机|用户考虑|空号|拒绝使用|老人小孩|不是机主 Gui,main:Add,Text,x0 y43 w60 h12,备注: Gui,main:Add,Edit,x60 y40 w430 h20 vnote, Gui,main:Add,ListView,x0 y60 w650 h108, 工号|姓名|外呼日期|业务类型|地州|语种|用户号码|接通情况|备注|质检结果|质检备注|质检人|质检时间|提交单位|提交日期|ID|LID|导入时间 Gui,main:Add,Button,x490 y20 w80 h40 gsubmit, 提交 Gui,main:Add,Button,x570 y20 w80 h40 gupdate, 修改 Gui,main:Show,w650 h170 , xx呼叫中心增值业务 Gui,main:+AlwaysOnTop Gui,main:Default Gosub, show_lv ;显示当日已拨打电话 Return submit: ;检查是否频繁提交 if newtime<> oldtime = %newtime% newtime = %A_TickCount% timediff := newtime-oldtime if timediff < 6000 { MsgBox, 4144, 提示, 请勿频繁提交,稍后再试! Return } ;获取表单 gui, main:submit, NoHide GuiControl, main:Choose, calling_result, 0 GuiControl, main:, note, calldate = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD% ;插入 effect_row := get_rowcount("INSERT INTO [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] ([工号],[姓名],[外呼日期],[业务类型],[语种],[地州],[用户号码],[接通情况],[备注],[LID])Values('" user_id "','" user_name "','" calldate "','" business "','" user_lang "','" area "','" phone "','" calling_result "','" note "','" id "')") ;获取刚才插入的id sid := get_1_result("select top 1 id from [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] where 工号='" user_id "' and 外呼日期='" calldate "' and 用户号码='" phone "' order by id desc") ;在目标客户表里添加sid 即提交表里的id effect_row := get_rowcount("update [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] set sid='" sid "' where id='" id "'") Gosub, show_lv goto, get_task Return update: ;获取单击点中的行 FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F") if not FocusedRowNumber { MsgBox, 4144, 提示, 您未选择任何当已提交数据! Return } LV_GetText(e_id, FocusedRowNumber, 16) WinGetPos, x, y, , , xx呼叫中心增值业务 gui, main:Hide WinHide, xx呼叫中心增值业务 gui, 3:Destroy gui, 3:add, DropDownList, x0 y0 w200 h600 ve_calling_result, 通后挂断|无人接听|成功|关机|无法接通|少数民族|停机|用户考虑|空号|拒绝使用|老人小孩|不是机主 gui, 3:add, Button, x200 y0 w40 h20 gsubupdate,确定 gui, 3:show, x%x% y%y% , 修改接通情况 Return subupdate: GuiControlGet, e_calling_result ;排除没有选择的情况 if e_calling_result <> { gui, 3:Destroy gui, main:show ;更新 effect_row := get_rowcount("update [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] set 接通情况='" e_calling_result "' where id='" e_id "'") } Return call: ;在拨打界面网页内直接输入号码并点击拨打 Clipboard = %phone% WinWait, 客服中心拨打界面 WinActivate, 客服中心拨打界面 error = 1 Loop, 1000 { ImageSearch, x, y, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, 1.bmp if !Errorlevel { x+=30 y+=5 MouseClick, Left, %x%, %y% loop, 20 { Send, {Delete}{BackSpace} } send, ^v error = 0 Break } Sleep, 50 } if error = 0 { Loop, 1000 { ImageSearch, x, y, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, 2.bmp if !Errorlevel { x+=10 y+=5 MouseClick, Left, %x%, %y% Break } Sleep, 50 } } Return show_lv: ;删除现有 LV_Delete() ;获取当日该工号外呼提交数据倒序前20项 result := get_result("select top 20 * from [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] where 工号='" user_id "' and 外呼日期=cast(cast(getdate() as date) as nvarchar) and 接通情况 is not null order by id desc") ;按行分割 StringSplit, line, result, `n loop % line0 { ;赋值临时行 tmp_line = % line%A_index% if tmp_line<> ;不为空 { StringSplit, var, tmp_line, `, LV_Add("",var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6,var7,var8,var9,var10,var11,var12,var13,var14,var15,var16,var17,var18) } } ;自动调整列宽 LV_ModifyCol() Return choose: WinGetPos, x, y, , , xx呼叫中心增值业务 gui, main:Hide WinHide, xx呼叫中心增值业务 ;查询目标任务表中放行的目标客户表中的数据 result := get_result("SELECT [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar) in (SELECT [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标任务] where locked=0 and [语种]='" user_lang "') group by [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)") gui, 2:Destroy StringReplace, tasks, result, `n, |, All gui, 2:add, DropDownList, x0 y0 w300 h600 vctask, %tasks% gui, 2:add, Button, x300 y0 w40 h20 gsubchoose,确定 gui, 2:show, x%x% y%y% , 选择任务 Return subchoose: GuiControlGet, ctask gui, 2:Destroy gui, main:show GuiControl, main:, task_name, %ctask% ;显示任务信息,15间隔重复 SetTimer, show_task_info, 15000 oldtime = %A_TickCount% goto, get_task Return get_task: ;检查是否有该工号占有但是没有提交的数据 提交的数据会有sid if (get_1_result("SELECT count(*) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "' and 工号='" user_id "' and sid is null")<1) { ;占有一个 effect_row := get_rowcount("update [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] set 工号='" user_id "' where id=(SELECT TOP 1 id FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "' and 工号 is null)") } ;获取已占有数据量 tmp_rows := get_1_result("SELECT count(*) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "' and 工号='" user_id "' and sid is null") if tmp_rows > 0 { ;获取已占有数据 tmp_row := get_1_result("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "' and 工号='" user_id "' and sid is null") ;分割数据 StringSplit, tmp_var, tmp_row, `, area := tmp_var1 phone := tmp_var2 business := tmp_var3 id := tmp_var6 GuiControl, main:, phone, %phone% } Else { MsgBox, 4112, 提示, 当前任务已空! } Return show_task_info: GuiControl, main:, task_info, % "当前任务总量:" get_1_result("SELECT count(*) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "'") Sleep, 2800 GuiControl, main:, task_info, % "当前任务剩余量:" get_1_result("SELECT count(*) FROM [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务目标客户] where [地区]+[外呼业务]+[语种]+cast([导入日期] as nvarchar)='" ctask "' and [工号] is null") Sleep, 2800 GuiControl, main:, task_info, % "您当日的外呼量:" get_1_result("select count(*) from [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] where 工号='" user_id "' and 外呼日期=cast(getdate() as date) and 接通情况 is not null") Sleep, 2800 GuiControl, main:, task_info, % "您当日的外呼成功量:" get_1_result("select count(*) from [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] where 工号='" user_id "' and 外呼日期=cast(getdate() as date) and 接通情况='成功' and (质检结果 is null or 质检结果='合格')") Sleep, 2800 GuiControl, main:, task_info, % "您当日的质检不合格量:" get_1_result("select count(*) from [Database1].[dbo].[增值业务数据提交] where 工号='" user_id "' and 外呼日期=cast(getdate() as date) and 接通情况='成功' and 质检结果='不合格'") Return ;ping检查网络函数 ping(ip){ RunWait, %ComSpec% /c ping -n 1 %ip% >%A_Temp%\ahk_ping.tmp, , Hide FileRead, content, %A_Temp%\ahk_ping.tmp StringReplace, content, content, `r, , All StringSplit, var, content, `n If content Contains 请求超时,Request timed out Return "请求超时" If content Contains 找不到主机,could not find host Return "找不到主机" If content Contains 无法访问目标主机,Destination host unreachable Return "无法访问目标主机" Else { time := RegExReplace(var3, "(来自|Reply from) \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}[\s的回复|]*: (字节|bytes)=\d{1,3}\ (时间|time)[=<](\d{1,3})ms TTL=\d{1,3}","$4") Return "正常 time:" time "ms" } } ;转码函数 urlencode(string,utf8:=1){ if (utf8=1 && A_IsUnicode<>1) { clip := ClipboardAll Clipboard = %string% Transform, string, Unicode Clipboard := clip } StringLen, len, string Loop % len { SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex StringMid, out, string, %A_Index%, 1 hex := Asc(out) hex2 := hex StringReplace, hex, hex, 0x, , All SetFormat, IntegerFast, d hex2 := hex2 If (hex2==33 || (hex2>=39 && hex2 <=42) || hex2==45 || hex2 ==46 || (hex2>=48 && hex2<=57) || (hex2>=65 && hex2<=90) || hex2==95 || (hex2>=97 && hex2<=122) || hex2==126) content .= out Else content .= "`%" hex } Return content } ;执行SQL并返回带标题的csv逗号分隔格式的结果的函数 get_result_with_colname(sql){ global api ;全局变量 URLDownloadToFile, % api "?str=" urlencode(sql "))))") "&o=1", %A_Temp%\res_with_colname.tmp FileRead, result, %A_Temp%\res_with_colname.tmp Return result } ;执行SQL并返回不带标题的csv逗号分隔格式的结果的函数 get_result(sql){ global api URLDownloadToFile, % api "?str=" urlencode(sql "))))"), %A_Temp%\res.tmp FileRead, result, %A_Temp%\res.tmp Return result } ;执行SQL并返回不带标题的csv逗号分隔格式的第一项结果的函数 get_1_result(sql){ global api URLDownloadToFile, % api "?str=" urlencode(sql "))))"), %A_Temp%\1res.tmp FileReadLine, result, %A_Temp%\1res.tmp, 1 Return result } ;执行SQL并返回影响结果数量的函数 get_rowcount(sql){ global api URLDownloadToFile, % api "?str=" urlencode(sql "))))") "&o=2", %A_Temp%\rowcount FileReadLine, result, %A_Temp%\rowcount.tmp, 1 Return result } loginGuiclose: mainGuiClose: ExitApp
60 queries in 1.666 seconds |