此脚本会在屏幕的底部创建一个模拟键盘来实时显示您按下的按键. 我写这个是为了帮我学习盲打 (来适应不去看键盘). 在脚本的顶部可以自定义屏幕键盘的大小. 还有, 您可以双击托盘图标来显示或隐藏键盘.
;---- Configuration Section: Customize the size of the on-screen keyboard and ; other options here. ; Changing this font size will make the entire on-screen keyboard get ; larger or smaller: k_FontSize = 10 k_FontName = Verdana ; This can be blank to use the system's default font. k_FontStyle = Bold ; Example of an alternative: Italic Underline ; Names for the tray menu items: k_MenuItemHide = Hide on-screen &keyboard k_MenuItemShow = Show on-screen &keyboard ; To have the keyboard appear on a monitor other than the primary, specify ; a number such as 2 for the following variable. Leave it blank to use ; the primary: k_Monitor = ;---- End of configuration section. Don't change anything below this point ; unless you want to alter the basic nature of the script. ;---- Alter the tray icon menu: Menu, Tray, Add, %k_MenuItemHide%, k_ShowHide Menu, Tray, Add, &Exit, k_MenuExit Menu, Tray, Default, %k_MenuItemHide% Menu, Tray, NoStandard ;---- Calculate object dimensions based on chosen font size: k_KeyWidth = %k_FontSize% k_KeyWidth *= 3 k_KeyHeight = %k_FontSize% k_KeyHeight *= 3 k_KeyMargin = %k_FontSize% k_KeyMargin /= 6 k_SpacebarWidth = %k_FontSize% k_SpacebarWidth *= 25 k_KeyWidthHalf = %k_KeyWidth% k_KeyWidthHalf /= 2 k_KeySize = w%k_KeyWidth% h%k_KeyHeight% k_Position = x+%k_KeyMargin% %k_KeySize% ;---- Create a GUI window for the on-screen keyboard: Gui, Font, s%k_FontSize% %k_FontStyle%, %k_FontName% Gui, -Caption +E0x200 +ToolWindow TransColor = F1ECED Gui, Color, %TransColor% ; This color will be made transparent later below. ;---- Add a button for each key. Position the first button with absolute ; coordinates so that all other buttons can be positioned relative to it: Gui, Add, Button, section %k_KeySize% xm+%k_KeyWidth%, 1 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 2 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 3 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 4 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 5 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 6 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 7 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 8 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 9 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, 0 Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, - Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, = Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, Bk Gui, Add, Button, xm y+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, Tab ; Auto-width. Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, Q Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, W Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, E Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, R Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, T Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, Y Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, U Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, I Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, O Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, P Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, [ Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, ] Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, \ Gui, Add, Button, xs+%k_KeyWidthHalf% y+%k_KeyMargin% %k_KeySize%, A Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, S Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, D Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, F Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, G Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, H Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, J Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, K Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, L Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, `; Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, ' Gui, Add, Button, x+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, Enter ; Auto-width. ; The first button below adds %A_Space% at the end to widen it a little, ; making the layout of keys next to it more accurately reflect a real keyboard: Gui, Add, Button, xm y+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, Shift%A_Space%%A_Space% Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, Z Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, X Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, C Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, V Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, B Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, N Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, M Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, `, Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, . Gui, Add, Button, %k_Position%, / Gui, Add, Button, xm y+%k_KeyMargin% h%k_KeyHeight%, Ctrl ; Auto-width. Gui, Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin%, Win ; Auto-width. Gui, Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin%, Alt ; Auto-width. Gui, Add, Button, h%k_KeyHeight% x+%k_KeyMargin% w%k_SpacebarWidth%, Space ;---- Show the window: Gui, Show k_IsVisible = y WinGet, k_ID, ID, A ; Get its window ID. WinGetPos,,, k_WindowWidth, k_WindowHeight, A ;---- Position the keyboard at the bottom of the screen (taking into account ; the position of the taskbar): SysGet, k_WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %k_Monitor% ; Calculate window's X-position: k_WindowX = %k_WorkAreaRight% k_WindowX -= %k_WorkAreaLeft% ; Now k_WindowX contains the width of this monitor. k_WindowX -= %k_WindowWidth% k_WindowX /= 2 ; Calculate position to center it horizontally. ; The following is done in case the window will be on a non-primary monitor ; or if the taskbar is anchored on the left side of the screen: k_WindowX += %k_WorkAreaLeft% ; Calculate window's Y-position: k_WindowY = %k_WorkAreaBottom% k_WindowY -= %k_WindowHeight% WinMove, A,, %k_WindowX%, %k_WindowY% WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %k_ID% WinSet, TransColor, %TransColor% 220, ahk_id %k_ID% ;---- Set all keys as hotkeys. See www.asciitable.com k_n = 1 k_ASCII = 45 Loop { Transform, k_char, Chr, %k_ASCII% StringUpper, k_char, k_char if k_char not in <,>,^,~,?,`, Hotkey, ~*%k_char%, k_KeyPress ; In the above, the asterisk prefix allows the key to be detected regardless ; of whether the user is holding down modifier keys such as Control and Shift. if k_ASCII = 93 break k_ASCII++ } return ; End of auto-execute section. ;---- When a key is pressed by the user, click the corresponding button on-screen: ~*Backspace:: ControlClick, Bk, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, D KeyWait, Backspace ControlClick, Bk, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, U return ; LShift and RShift are used rather than "Shift" because when used as a hotkey, ; "Shift" would default to firing upon release of the key (in older AHK versions): ~*LShift:: ~*RShift:: ~*LCtrl:: ; Must use Ctrl not Control to match button names. ~*RCtrl:: ~*LAlt:: ~*RAlt:: ~*LWin:: ~*RWin:: StringTrimLeft, k_ThisHotkey, A_ThisHotkey, 3 ControlClick, %k_ThisHotkey%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, D KeyWait, %k_ThisHotkey% ControlClick, %k_ThisHotkey%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, U return ~*,:: ~*':: ~*Space:: ~*Enter:: ~*Tab:: k_KeyPress: StringReplace, k_ThisHotkey, A_ThisHotkey, ~ StringReplace, k_ThisHotkey, k_ThisHotkey, * SetTitleMatchMode, 3 ; Prevents the T and B keys from being confused with Tab and Backspace. ControlClick, %k_ThisHotkey%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, D KeyWait, %k_ThisHotkey% ControlClick, %k_ThisHotkey%, ahk_id %k_ID%, , LEFT, 1, U Return k_ShowHide: if k_IsVisible = y { Gui, Cancel Menu, Tray, Rename, %k_MenuItemHide%, %k_MenuItemShow% k_IsVisible = n } else { Gui, Show Menu, Tray, Rename, %k_MenuItemShow%, %k_MenuItemHide% k_IsVisible = y } return GuiClose: k_MenuExit: ExitApp